Harry Potter Pick Up Lines

Harry Potter Pick Up Lines

"I wanna stick my "Sorcerer's Stone" in your "Chamber of Secrets" and release "The Prisoner of Azkaban" into your "Goblet of Fire" giving the "Order of the Phoenix" making my "Half Blood Prince" rise and give you the "Deathly Hallows"

"Screw Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the only house I wanna be in is yours!"

"Interested in making some magic together? My wand is at the ready."

"Have you been using Accio? Cuz I've been coming to you every night"

"I can be anything you want me to be...
I've got enough Polyjuce for the whole night!"

"Hagrid's not the only giant on campus, if you know what I mean."

 "I don't need the Mirror of Erised to know that you're everything I desire."

"Is your name Felix Felicis? Cause you're about to get lucky!"

 "Once you go Black you Siriusly dont go back!"

"Want to learn to speak troll? Don't worry I can get you grunting in no time!"

Harry Potter Pick Up Lines

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